Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Pin It Now! Mr. Wright and I have spent countless nights discussing where in the world we think is the best place to live and raise a family.  We aren't traditional by any means and so any place ever listed on Forbes or MSN for top places to live never appeal to us.  I think we narrowed it down.  Not only to an ideal location, but an ideal life in general.  It would be a lot of risk and a lot of planning, but to us it would be the best life to live.  I feel like if you put your goals and dreams out there it is more likely to happen.  So here it is...our dream goal (with a lot of MY dreams since thisis my blog afterall):

1) Stay in Europe long enough to travel and save up money to open a Tae Kwon Do school and have enough savings to live on for at least a year.  Pay off all debt and cars.  We would get to travel for tournaments/competitions.

2) Move to Maui.  Oahu is too crowded and over priced.  Maui is still gorgeous, less expensive and less people.  In my dream I would homeschool the kids.

3)  I would have my own garden with tomatos, cucumbers, bell peppers, lemons, strawberries, herbs and a who knows what else I could end up growing. 

4) We would have a boat.  Nothing fancy, just simple. We could go fishing, spend the night on it and go to other islands..whatever we want.

5) I would teach cooking classes or get certified in pilates and teach pilates or maybe yoga.

It would be such an organic, simple life.  We would have a nice home, big enough for just our family.  And in the backyard we would have a hammock and a very inviting backyard for having friends/family over for dinner.   I love that it is less populated there.  I used to be a city girl and have totally evolved to like more land and open space.  Maui offers sunshine, beaches and great weather year round. 

Since we would have lived in Europe and seen most of that part of the world, Hawaii would be a perfect location to travel to other parts of the world such as Australia, Japan, China and other Asian countries.

It just sounds like the perfect life for us.  As it stands today that is my idea of a great life.

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